Project Information
THE AIM OF PROJECT is to increase the competitiveness of ELKAT by modernising the production process and at the same time applying environment-friendly solutions. The project will implement an original PVC extrusion technology. In order to develop it, it will be necessary to conduct research leading to the formulation of an improved PVC mixture. A new production line will be developed - the line for extrusion from PVC regranulate.
MAIN ACTIVITIES of the project are:
- construction of a new plant;
- installation of new machinery;
- installation of energy circulation equipment by the Norwegian partner;
- development and testing of PVC industrial processing technology;
- implementation of innovative processes and launching of improved products on their basis.
Thanks to the project implementation, a new process will be implemented: a production line allowing for manufacturing improved products using waste material. Following the development of PVC extrusion technology, 99.5% of the plant's waste will be used for production. We will launch 5
insulated junction rails with different cross-sections. A new production facility will be built to house the new machinery; installed PV system (20.16 kWh) and a heat pump which will generate significant savings.
The main benefits of the project are
- reduction of harmful substances - reduction of CO2 emissions 14,06 tCO2/year
- increase in employment - 2 new people (2022)
- waste reuse - 10 tonnes per year (2023).
- Launch of improved products using new technology;
- increase in profit and revenue;
- increased competitiveness and potential for export sales.
We are currently in the process of building a production hall. Recently we have also conducted the process of selecting a contractor for the implementation of research and development works. The selected Contractor - Łukasiewicz Research Network - Ignacy Mościcki Institute of Industrial Chemistry, will be responsible for, among others
- laboratory scale testing of the base mixture;
- subjecting the mixture to rheological, electrical and mechanical tests;
- on the basis of the results: recommending the parameters that the mixture made
based on regranulate;
- Perform a series of tests with different proportions of regranulate in relation to standard granulate;
- modifying regranulate-based mixes, subjecting mixes to rheological and electrical tests.
The final result of the Research Network's work will be the development of the constituent structure of recycled PVC plastic.
Total value of the project: 3 963 245.00 PLN
Eligible expenditure: 3 222 100.00 PLN
Co-financing: 1,320,325.00 PLN
Co-financing level: 40.98 %
The project "Ecological modernisation of the production process" benefits from co-financing worth
1,320,325.00 PLN. received from Norway. The aim of the project is to establish cooperation with the Norwegian Partner, to expand the plant, to increase the use of renewable energy sources and to launch new, ecological products manufactured with the use of waste.
The Norwegian and EEA grants represent Norway's contribution to creating a green, competitive and inclusive Europe. Through the Norwegian and EEA Funds, Norway contributes to reducing social and economic disparities and strengthening
bilateral relations with the beneficiary states in Central and Southern Europe and the Baltic Sea area. Norway cooperates closely with the EU through the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA). Together with other donors, Norway has provided €3.3 billion in successive fund programmes over the period 1994-2014.
The Norwegian funds are financed exclusively by Norway and are available in the countries that joined the EU after 2003. The Norwegian funds for 2014-2021 amount to €1.25 billion. Priorities for this period are:
#1 innovation, research, education, competitiveness and decent work;
#2 social inclusion, youth employment and poverty reduction;
#3 environment, energy, climate change and low-carbon economy;
#4 culture, civil society, good governance and fundamental rights;
#5 Justice and Home Affairs.
Thanks to the support provided under the Norwegian funds, Elkat will establish cooperation with a Norwegian Partner, expand the plant, increase the use of RES and launch new, environmentally friendly products made with waste.
More information about the Norwegian funds can be found at:
Projekt: „Ekologiczna modernizacja procesu produkcji”.
Norweski Mechanizm Finansowy 2014-2021
Działanie 19.1 Nowe Produkty i Inwestycje
Poddziałanie 19.1.1 Technologie przyjazne środowisku - Green growth
Wartość projektu ogółem: 3 963 245.00 PLN
Wydatki kwalifikowalne: 3 222 100.00 PLN
Dofinansowanie : 1 320 325.00 PLN
Poziom dofinansowania: 40.98 %
CELEM PROJEKTU jest podniesienie konkurencyjności ELKAT poprzez wprowadzenie modernizacji w procesie produkcyjnym i jednocześnie zastosowanie rozwiązań sprzyjających środowisku. W ramach projektu wdrożona zostanie autorska technologia wytłaczania PVC. W celu jej opracowania niezbędne będzie realizacja badań prowadzących do wytworzenia receptury uszlachetnionej mieszanki PVC. Opracowany zostanie nowy ciąg produkcyjny - linia do wytłaczania z regranulatu tworzywa PVC.